Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Pirates in the Studio, Robot at the Roxy, Powers in the Dawghouse

Here are some quick mid-week updates on a few of our voice studio clients:

Royal Pirates fans, I had the opportunity to sit in with Moon, James and Sooyoon last night at their rehearsal studio.  Got to hear their newest stuff and, while I am sworn to secrecy, I can tell you that not only will you not be disappointed, you will be OVERWHELMED when you hear it.

Katherine Pawlak and Sad Robot will be at the Roxy next Friday night 5/20.  Tracks are up on iTunes.  Bunim/Murray just picked up Sad Robot's music license for Bad Girls Club.  Congrats, KP!

B.K. Cannon will be guesting in a non-singing role on the season finale of Law & Order: LA.  Looking forward to her scene with Alfred Molina.

Peter Husmann is back in the studio prepping for the lead role of John Adams in 1776 at Glendale Centre Theatre.  Nice to have you back, Peter!

And Mary Powers (who now goes by "Bloody Mary" Powers) will also be gigging with The Modern End on 5/20 at Dawg House.  You might remember Mary from last season's American Idol:

Oh yeah, and our young friends Inversion will be making their debut this Sunday at AmplyFi.  Keep a watchful ear and eye out for Molly Kirschenbaum on vocals and keys and Keaton Applebaum on guitar.  P.S., they ain't even in high school yet...

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