Sunday, July 27, 2008

What Are You Doing With YOUR Information?

Was picking up a pork tamale and rice from the Vallarta for Nathalie (chile relleno for me...) and this phrase kept going through my mind:

"What are you doing with YOUR information?"

All of us are informed.

Being informed has nothing to do with whether we have a high I.Q. or whether family and friends consider us "smart."

Being informed is not really scientific because our "information" isn't always based in truth.

If you "feel" fat -- regardless of what the scale says -- guess what?

Yer fat!

If you "feel" stupid or unworthy -- guess what -- you're probably going to behave in stupid and unworthy ways because THAT is YOUR information.

If you "think" everybody else is better than you at singing, dancing, acting, writing, living, breathing, watching TV, well, yup, consider it a done deal.

Interesting that when someone lies to us, we get mad, we take it very personally.

But what if we lie to ourselves?

How should we take it then?

YOUR information leads you to your success.

YOUR bad information leads you only to cheap, self-fulfilling prophecy -- which is usually shrouded in failure.

What would happen if you informed yourself that you ARE worthy?

What would happen if you informed yourself that you are as smart and as talented as ANYONE out there??

How about if you inform yourself that today, right now, within this moment, you are loved?

And if you doubt that, then you better get started loving yourself.

Love yourself and you'll be able to love others.

It doesn't work the other way around.

If you love yourself, then love others, you will be able to fill concert halls, theatres and stadiums with people who want to pay to see and hear somebody who loves themself.

Share the love, baby.

So, what are you doing with YOUR information?

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Good Advice For Creative People...,0,7036719.story

From Geoff Boucher's column today on Sid & Marty Krofft

The Kroffts began renting out their puppet and production savvy. They designed stage productions for fairs and amusement parks, took corporate work from Ford and Coca-Cola, and did some work for Walt Disney as well. Marty had crossed paths with the entertainment icon in 1959; Marty was at the Polo Lounge having drinks with Charisse when Disney stopped by to chat and gave him a bit of advice. As Marty remembers it: "He told me, 'The one thing to remember is, don't ever sell anything you create and always put your name above the title, whatever you do. They'll fight you off from doing it, but stick to it.'
To a certain degree, I'm pretty sure that was Bill Gates' approach....

A few years back, a lawyer (who was trying to negotiate the purchase of music I had written) tried to convince me that only Rodgers and Hammerstein got their names over the title of their shows... I didn't buy into it then. I don't buy into it now.

I also ended up not selling (or even licensing) my music to them!

Hit the little iTunes button at the very bottom of the page. It will link you to a children's album I wrote and produced for BMG. At the end of the contract term, all rights to the masters and the publishing still belonged to me.

Oh, and my kids!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Making It Happen

You know how I'm always telling singers to "get a church gig"?

I do take my own advice, y'know...

For the last several months, I've been refining and re-defining the music program over at a New Thought church in Burbank called SpiritWorks.

It's great for me, because it's in line with my own spiritual path which includes honoring the truth in all religions.

I've also been composing -- a lot -- and performing/playing -- almost every week -- and working with energized and talented singers, songwriters within the SpiritWorks community.

If you don't have a regular church, come on by and say hello!

(Oh, and the picture of me with a moustache is a composer shot for my rock opera...I don't normally wear a moustache....!)
Various Artists - Musical Beans: Animal Songs for Children