Thursday, May 5, 2011

Vocal Performance: The Eyes Have It, Pt. 1 -- Points of Focus

The eyes do have it.  While your voice can fill a room with energy, it is the eyes that bring it all into focus.

Points of Focus (Left/Center/Right) are crucial in vocal performance; in sharing your eyes or line of sight with the audience.

Some people read lips.  Everybody reads eyes.

Simplest approach (for now) is to:
1) Stretch out your arms in a "V" in front of you.  It should look like you're about to hug someone. Eyes are already at Center.  Pick a point about 15 feet in front of you and "see" it.  Really see it.
2) Turn Eyes and Face (just your eyes and your face, not the whole body) left along the left arm.  Don't go beyond the left arm.  Let the eyes lead the face, don't go all robot on us...Pick a point about 15 feet in front of you on the left and "see" it.
3) Back to center.  Eyes first, face follows.  Center Point of Focus.
4) Eyes lead face to right along right arm.  Pick Right Point of Focus (15 ft., etc.)
5) Back to center.  Eyes lead the face.

That's the start of it.  More tomorrow...

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