Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Auditions For "The Real Drunk Housewives of the San Fernando Valley"

Couldn't be happier about announcing this audition! And couldn't be prouder of the team that's been assembled. Kelly Bashar is a supremely talented actor/writer/singer -- I'm not sure about her dancing chops -- you've seen her in film/TV, around town with the Impro Theatre and is currently appearing in the award-winning hit musical parody "Fellowship!" as a big-footed singing Hobbit at the Steve Allen Theatre, for which she also served as lead writer . David Jahn, a fine working actor in his own right, directed the Sunday Show for the Groundlings for several years -- he's also amazing and the list of people he's worked with is extraordinary. Choreographer Amy Langer Schwartz has toured the world as a musical theatre dancer/singer and has performed her own one-woman shows in New York and L.A.
So where does that put you?
The door's open, come join us!

“The Real Drunk Housewives of the San Fernando Valley”

-- a one hour Reality TV musical parody/review 

Book, Music and Lyrics written by Kelly Bashar and Bill Haller
Choreography by Amy Langer Schwartz
Directed by David Jahn

Six females ages 25 to 50's, any/all ethnicities encouraged, MUST SING, look wealthy
Should have a power pop belt (a la American Idol/Wicked) Low F to High Db/E and be able to hold harmony
Great comedic timing and an ability to improvise
Excellent physical condition with strong movement/dance ability

Rene - 30's - 40's Oversexualized former bikini model, pop/musical theatre belt
Trudy - 30's - 50's A rich Brit -- or is that really where the accent’s from?, pop/musical theatre belt
Riley - 30's - 40's Plastic surgery addict, pop/musical theatre belt
Rikki - 30's - 40's Former Child Star -- Riley’s sister, pop/musical theatre belt
Olivia -  40's Orange County type -- stuck in the 80’s, pop/musical theatre belt
Pepsi - 25 - 40's Thick Hispanic accent -- from Guadalamexibrazil, pop/musical theatre belt  
Male -  Upwardly mobile producer/host, age 35 to 55 must sing a G and be able to improvise

Previews begin Saturdays in July at The Complex (Oh My Ribs Entertainment)
Opens Saturdays in August at 10:00p with possible extension

For Appointment Times:
Electronic Submissions ONLY to
Auditions to be held Sunday, May 20 from 12:00 to 4:00
at Oh My Ribs Entertainment
6468 Santa Monica Blvd., Hollywood!location|csxp


Click on the "Show All" button just under the demos to get the audition songs...
To get the lyrics, just click on the particular song title and it will take you to the lyrics page. Show will be sung to pre-recorded track, so please look hot and have the song prepared!

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