Sunday, July 27, 2008

What Are You Doing With YOUR Information?

Was picking up a pork tamale and rice from the Vallarta for Nathalie (chile relleno for me...) and this phrase kept going through my mind:

"What are you doing with YOUR information?"

All of us are informed.

Being informed has nothing to do with whether we have a high I.Q. or whether family and friends consider us "smart."

Being informed is not really scientific because our "information" isn't always based in truth.

If you "feel" fat -- regardless of what the scale says -- guess what?

Yer fat!

If you "feel" stupid or unworthy -- guess what -- you're probably going to behave in stupid and unworthy ways because THAT is YOUR information.

If you "think" everybody else is better than you at singing, dancing, acting, writing, living, breathing, watching TV, well, yup, consider it a done deal.

Interesting that when someone lies to us, we get mad, we take it very personally.

But what if we lie to ourselves?

How should we take it then?

YOUR information leads you to your success.

YOUR bad information leads you only to cheap, self-fulfilling prophecy -- which is usually shrouded in failure.

What would happen if you informed yourself that you ARE worthy?

What would happen if you informed yourself that you are as smart and as talented as ANYONE out there??

How about if you inform yourself that today, right now, within this moment, you are loved?

And if you doubt that, then you better get started loving yourself.

Love yourself and you'll be able to love others.

It doesn't work the other way around.

If you love yourself, then love others, you will be able to fill concert halls, theatres and stadiums with people who want to pay to see and hear somebody who loves themself.

Share the love, baby.

So, what are you doing with YOUR information?

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